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Alon Eisenstein, PhD
(He, Him, His)Assistant Professor of Teaching
School of Engineering
Other Titles: Marshall Bauder Chair in Experiential Learning and LeadershipOffice: EME3283
Phone: 250.807.8006
Email: alon.eisenstein@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Engineering education; engineering entrepreneurship education; engineering leadership; professional development; experiential learning; work-integrated learning.
Courses & Teaching
Currently teaching:
APSC201 - Technical Communication
ENGR411/ENGR511 - Technology Entrepreneurship
ENGR499 - Engineering Capstone Design Project
Previously taught:
APSC503 - Startup Engineering Practicum
APSC505/ENGR405 - Engineering Leadership
ENGR542 - Engineering and Society
Dr. Eisenstein is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Technology Entrepreneurship and Professional Development at the University of British Columbia Okanagan’s School of Engineering, which is situated on the ancestral, traditional and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation. Since joining the UBC School of Engineering in 2021, Dr. Eisenstein has introduced and taught several courses on the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership, applying experiential learning pedagogy throughout.
For close to a decade, Dr. Eisenstein has been developing, studying and advancing the use of Work-Integrated Learning pedagogy within entrepreneurship education. He has authored several papers and book chapters on the topic of Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning (EWIL), and hosted the first national symposium on EWIL in 2019. Supporting Work-Integrated Learning across BC, Dr. Eisenstein serves on the board of the Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning of BC/Yukon. In 2023 Dr. Eisenstein launched a bi-monthly WIL community of practice, and is currently serving on the association’s research committee working on a Nudge project.
As an active champion for teaching and learning, Dr. Eisenstein is a UBC Okanagan’s Centre for Teaching and Learning fellow, representing the School of Engineering on the centre’s advisory committee. Dr. Eisenstein is passionate about, and is involved with, the school’s reconciliation efforts, and is currently leading a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project to study the impact that a course intervention, within the second year Technical Communication course, has on students. Dr. Eisenstein is one of the two Equity Diversity and Inclusion advisors to the School of Engineering’s leadership, working collaboratively with EDI leads across the Faculty of Applied Science and UBCO campus.
Beginning in January 2024, Dr. Eisenstein holds the Marshall Bauder Chair in Experiential Learning and Leadership for UBC Okanagan campus, collaborating with his UBC Vancouver counterpart create and implement novel ideas that provide a superior digital and experiential learning experience for students across both UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan campuses.
Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning (EWIL)
Alon Eisenstein – Google Scholar Profile
MEd – (Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning) University of Toronto, Canada
PhD – (Chemistry) University of Toronto, Canada
MSc Cum Laude – (Chemistry) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
BSc Cum Laude – (Chemistry) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Research Interests & Projects
Dr. Eisenstein develops and studies engineering entrepreneurship education, with particular emphasis on experiential learning theory. Research includes pedagogies, assessment methods, students’ motivations, transferable skills acquisition and mastery, attitudes and intentionality towards entrepreneurship.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Books / Book Chapters
- Eisenstein, A. (2023). Work-integrated learning through the practice of entrepreneurship, enterprise, and start-ups. In K. Zegwaard & T. J. Pretti (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis. https://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003156420-17
- Eisenstein, A., & Raz, N. (2021). Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning. In Applications of Work Integrated Learning Among Gen Z and Y Students (pp. 119-136). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-6440-0
Peer Reviewed Journals/Conference Proceedings
- *A. Eisenstein (2022). “Engaging Engineering Students with Engineering Entrepreneurship and the Start-Up Working Environment through Supervised Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning”, 2022 Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), York University, June 19 – 22, doi: 10.24908/pceea.vi.15845
- *J. H. Eikenaar, N. Forssman, G. Webb, L. Patterson and A. Eisenstein (2022). “Preparing Engineering Students for their Professional Obligations for Meaningful Engagement with Indigenous Communities in Canada”, 2022 Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), York University, June 19 – 22, doi: 10.24908/pceea.vi.15862
- *G. Webb, A. Eisenstein, L. Patterson and J. Eikenaar (2021). “Introducing Engineering Students to Communication Practices for Engagement with Indigenous Communities,” 2021 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), pp. 39-43, doi: 10.1109/ProComm52174.2021.00012.
- Eisenstein, A., Goh, C., & Istrate, E. (2021). Supervised entrepreneurial work-integrated learning. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, Special Issue, 22(3), p. 413-422.
- A. Eisenstein, K.R. Harikumar, K. Huang, I. R. McNab, J. C. Polanyi, and A. Zabet-Khosousi. (2012). Pulsed-dosing controls self-assembly: 1-Bromopentane on Si(111)-7X7. Chemical Physics Letters, 527:1-6. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2011.12.052
- A. Eisenstein, L. Leung, T. Lim, Z. Ning, and J. C. Polanyi. (2012). Reaction dynamics at a metal surface; halogenation of Cu(110). Faraday Discuss.,157: 337-53. DOI:10.1039/c2fd20023f
- A. Eisenstein, and M. C. Goh. (2012). Note: A scanning electron microscope sample holder for bidirectional characterization of atomic force microscope probe tips. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83(3): 036108. DOI:10.1063/1.3698073
Conference Presentations
- *Alon Eisenstein, *Marnie Jamieson, Wayne Chang, John R Donald, Tate Cao, and *Kush Bubbar, “Dominant narratives in Entrepreneurship Engineering and Sustainable Engineering education – a dialectical debate”, The 2023 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Kelowna, June 19 – 22, 2023
- *Alon Eisenstein, Tamara Etmannski, “Identifying factors affecting graduate students’ experience during a practicum with a start-up”, The 2023 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Kelowna, June 19 – 22, 2023
- *Jannik Eikenaar, *Alon Eisenstein, Laura Patterson, Natalie Forssman, Graeme Webb , “Indigenous Reconciliation in the Engineering Curriculum: The Indigenous Community Consultation Project (ICCP)”, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2022 ISSOTL Conference, Kelowna, BC, November 2-5, 2022.
- Jannik Eikenaar, Natalie Forssman, Graeme Webb, *Laura Patterson and *Alon Eisenstein, “Preparing Engineering Students for their Professional Obligations for Meaningful Engagement with Indigenous Communities in Canada”, The 2022 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Toronto, June 19 – 22, 2022.
- *Alon Eisenstein, “Engaging Engineering Students with Engineering Entrepreneurship and the Start-Up Working Environment through Supervised Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning”, The 2022 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference, Toronto, June 19 – 22, 2022.
- *Alon Eisenstein and Jannik Eikenaar, “Leadership is Messy”, American Society for Engineering Education ASEE Zone IV Conference, Vancouver, May 12-14 2022.
- *Graeme Webb, Alon Eisenstein, Laura Patterson and Jannik Eikenaar, “Introducing Engineering Students to Communication Practices for Engagement with Indigenous Communities”, ProComm 2021 (2021 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference), IEEE, Online, October 23rd 2021.
- *Alon Eisenstein and *Emanuel Istrate, “Entrepreneurial Work Integrated Learning”, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE) 2021 conference, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Online, October 21st 2021
- Alon Eisenstein and Jannik Eikenaar, “Leadership is Messy”, NICKEL VI Conference, National Initiative on Capacity Building and Knowledge Creation for Engineering Leadership, Online, August 10th 2021 (invited).
- *Alon Eisenstein and *Mayrose Salvador, “Capacity Building in Science Education in Rural Communities”. Matawa Education Conference 2020, Thunder Bay, ON.
- “Who is a Scientist?”; SciCommTO Conference 2020, Toronto, ON
- “The Unique Benefits and Challenges of Entrepreneurial Work-Integrated Learning”. EWO & CEWIL Professional Development Conference & Symposium 2019, Ottawa, ON
- “Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning”. 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition 2019, Québec, QC. (Invited speaker)
- *A. Eisenstein and *B. Wylie-Toaland, “Learning Outcome Assessment of Entrepreneurial-WIL”. Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes & Experiential Learning Symposium 2018, Toronto, ON.
- *A. Eisenstein, E. Veletanlic, and L. Vranic, “Assessing Experiential Entrepreneurship Learning Outcomes” in C. Sá. “Symposium: The Ecology of Entrepreneurship Learning in Higher Education”. The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) congress conference 2017, Toronto, ON.
- *Alon Eisenstein, Emanuel Istrate, and Cynthia Goh, “The Best of Both Worlds – Entrepreneurship as an Experiential Learning Setting”. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – Empowering Learners, Effecting Change Conference 2016, London, ON.
- *A. Eisenstein, C. Cheng, N. Kim, and M. C. Goh, “Inquiry Physical Chemistry Laboratory”. International Conference for Chemical Education 2014, Toronto, ON.
- *A. Eisenstein and M. Salvador, “Promoting Science Literacy through Engaging Chemistry Activities”. International Conference for Chemical Education 2014, Toronto, ON.
Selected Grants & Awards
ALT2040 – Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBCO
ISI Fund – Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives, UBCO
SoTL Seed Grant – Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, UBC
iHub – CEWIL Canada
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
CEEA-ACEG – Canadian Engineering Education Association since 2021
ACE-WIL – Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning BC/Yukon since 2021
CEWIL Canada – Cooperative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada 2018
EWO – Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning Ontario 2018
RCIScience – Royal Canadian Institute for Science 2015
Social Media
- Startup internships provide a unique learning opportunity for students (February 6, 2017), The Globe and Mail.
- A. Eisenstein and S. M. Hyrve. Raising Innovators & Digitally-Savvy Kids. (July 27, 2017), Breakfast Television Montreal.
- A. Eisenstein and M. Salvador. Daytime Ottawa (September 12, 2016).
- CP24 Breakfast Television Live EYE (September 29, 2016).
- A. Eisenstein and M. Salvador. Making Science Fun for Kids! (September 1, 2016), Breakfast Television Montreal.